You will often hear that bees just will not use plastic foundation. Or that “bees will only use -insert color here- plastic”. The truth is: bees won’t draw well on plastic, only wax. But… if the plastic is lightly coated in wax, they won’t know the difference.
Most name brand frames/foundation will work just fine right out of the box. You can often find premium foundation that will be “double” or “triple” coated for an increase in price. These generally work very well. It is often the very inexpensive foundation that bees have trouble with or foundation that has been sitting for years and is no longer fresh/tacky.
When foundation is old or poorly coated, you etiher get spotty drawn comb, no drawn comb at all or bees will make lobes of wax that hang off of the comb and are not attached to the foundation.
Relax. There is a simple fix. All you really have to do is add wax to the foundation. You can do so in a number of ways: