r/Beekeeping Wiki

Honey Bee Biology


image showing timeline of egg development

Stage Drone (Male) Worker (Female) Queen (Female)
Egg Laid in larger cells. Unfertilized. Develops for about 3 days. Laid in standard worker cells. Fertilized. Develops for about 3 days. Laid in specially constructed queen cells. Fertilized. Develops for about 3 days.
Larva Fed royal jelly for the first few days, then bee bread. Larger and grows in larger cells. Larval stage lasts about 6.5 days. Fed royal jelly for the first few days, then a mixture of honey and pollen. Larval stage lasts about 6 days. Continuously fed royal jelly. Rapid growth. Larval stage lasts about 5.5 days.
Pupa Sealed in a cell and undergoes metamorphosis. Pupal stage lasts about 14.5 days. Sealed in a cell. Undergoes metamorphosis. Pupal stage lasts about 12 days. Sealed in a special queen cell. Undergoes metamorphosis. Pupal stage lasts about 7.5 days.
Adult Primary role is to mate with a queen. Does not forage or produce honey. Lifespan varies but typically short lived (weeks to a few months). Performs various roles including nursing, foraging, and hive maintenance. Lifespan is typically a few months, but longer in winter bees. Sole egg layer in the hive. Can live several years. Mates during early life and stores sperm.

Table: Caste lifecycles. Drones take ~24 days from egg laying to emergence, Queens ~16 days, and workers ~21 days.

Worker bee lifecycle

TODO: Cover reproduction (esp. how the colony makes new queens)

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