r/Beekeeping Wiki

This wiki is maintained by the community of r/Beekeeping. We are an online global community of beekeepers who want to help other beekeepers by providing help and our lived experience through interaction on Reddit, and through curated easy-to-follow guides in this wiki. If you want help, or want to give help, then r/Beekeeping is the place for you.

This wiki contains curated and community reviewed guides and information for beekeepers and non-beekeepers alike.

Warning: This is currently a work in progress - There’s lots of pages that aren’t complete, broken links, and typos. If you wish to help make it better, scroll to the bottom of the page.



Contributing to the wiki

If you’d like to contribute to this wiki, your input would be greatly appreciated. Please read our contributors guide here.

Found something that’s objectively false?

If you are confident that you could make the changes yourself, or want to give it a go, you can use the guide mentioned above. If you aren’t confident in editing the wiki yourself, you can do the following

  1. Go to the issues page
  2. Open a new issue, and click “Get Started” on the “Incorrect information” line
  3. Raise the issue with the wiki maintainers with all the information requested
  4. Allow time for the wiki maintainers to review your issue and update the wiki if necessary